Saturday, 3 December 2016

List of TIBCO Scribe Insight Function.

List of TIBCO Scribe Insight Function.

Date & Time .Date & Time Standard date and time functions. NULL NULL
Information .Information Functions that evaluate a supplied expression or cell reference. NULL NULL
Logical .Logical Logic functions that return True or False based on a stated condition. NULL NULL
Lookup & Reference .Lookup & Reference Functions that lookup or reference values in cells or ranges of cells. NULL NULL
Math .Math Standard mathematical functions that manipulate or return numeric values. NULL NULL
Parse .Parse Functions that parse and return text values. NULL NULL
Regex .Regex Regular Expression functions. NULL NULL
Statistical .Statistical Functions that return statistical information about a list of values or range of cells. NULL NULL
Step Control .Step Control Functions that allow formula results to control target step flow. NULL NULL
System Functions .System Functions Functions that return system variables. NULL NULL
Text .Text Functions that manipulate or return text values. NULL NULL
User Defined Formula .User Defined Formula All user-defined or compound functions. NULL NULL
Math ABS Returns the absolute value of a number ABS( NumericSourceField ) ABS( %s )
Lookup & Reference ALIASLIST Returns a list of aliases for a string from a lookup table.  Use with the IN operator for lookup links. ALIASLIST( TextSourceField, "connection", "table", "field" ) ALIASLIST( %s, "", "", "" )
Logical AND Returns True if all arguments are true; returns False if at least one argument is false. AND( logical_list ) AND( %s )
Text ASC In DBCS (Far-East) systems, this function returns a copy of text in which the double-byte characters are converted to single-byte characters, if possible ASC( SourceField ) ASC( %s )
Statistical AVERAGE Returns the average of the supplied numbers. The result of AVERAGE is also known as the arithmetic mean. AVERAGE( number_list ) AVERAGE( %s )
Text CDATA Returns the supplied text as a XML CDATA node. CDATA( text ) CDATA( %s )
Math CEILING Rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of a specified significance. CEILING( NumericSourceField, significance ) CEILING( %s, 2 )
Text CHAR Returns a character that corresponds to the supplied ASCII code. CHAR( NumericSourceField ) CHAR( %s )
Lookup & Reference CHOOSE Returns a value from a list of numbers based on the index number supplied. CHOOSE( index, item_list ) CHOOSE( , %s )
Text CLEAN Removes all nonprintable characters from the supplied text. CLEAN( TextSourceField ) CLEAN( %s )
Text CODE Returns a numeric code representing the first character of the supplied string. CODE( NumericSourceField ) CODE( %s )
System Functions COMPUTERNAME Returns the computer name COMPUTERNAME( ) NULL
Text CONCATENATE Joins several text strings into one string. CONCATENATE( SourceField | "text1", SourceField | "text2", ...) CONCATENATE( %s, "" )
Date & Time CONVERTDATETIME Converts the specified DateTime from one time zone to another, using the specified FromUTCOffset and ToUTCOffsets, which are the standard UTC (GMT) offsets, ex: -5 for Eastern time.  Also accounts for Daylight Savings using the specified locations. CONVERTDATETIME( DateTime, FromUTCOffset, "US" | "EU" | "AU" | "", ToUTCOffset, "US" | "EU" | "AU" | "" ) CONVERTDATETIME( %s, -5, "US", -5, "US" )
Statistical COUNT Only numerates numbers or numerical values such as logical values, dates or test representations of dates. Empty cells, logical values, text and error values are ignored. Could be used to validate that all source fields are numbers. COUNT( SourceField ) COUNT( %s )
Statistical COUNTA Returns the number of cells that contain data.  Null values are counted, but empty cells are ignored. Could be used to validate that all source fields at least include null. COUNTA( SourceField ) COUNTA( %s )
Date & Time DATE Returns the serial number of the supplied date. DATE( year, month, day ) DATE( %s )
Date & Time DATE2JULIANDATEJDE Returns the JD Edwards-formatted Julian date for the supplied Gregorian/common date. DATE2JULIANDATEJDE(date) DATE2JULIANDATEJDE( %s )
Date & Time DATEADD Returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added DATEADD( Interval, Number, StartDate ) DATEADD( "m", 1, %s )
Date & Time DATEDIFF Returns the number of time intervals between two specified dates DATEDIFF( Interval, Date1, Date2 ) DATEDIFF( "d", %s,  )
Date & Time DATEPART Returns an number containing the specified part of a given date DATEPART( Interval, Date ) DATEPART( "d", %s )
Date & Time DATETIME2JULIANDATE Returns the Julian datetime for the supplied Gregorian/common datetime. DATETIME2JULIANDATE(datetime) DATETIME2JULIANDATE( %s )
Date & Time DATEVALUE Returns the serial number of a date supplied as a text string. DATEVALUE( SourceField ) DATEVALUE( %s )
Date & Time DAY Returns the day of the month that corresponds to the date represented by the supplied number. DAY( serial_number ) DAY( %s )
Date & Time DAYOFYEAR Returns the day of year for the supplied date. DAYOFYEAR(date) DAYOFYEAR( %s )
Date & Time DAYS360 Returns the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year (twelve 30-day months) DAYS360( StartDate, EndDate, [Method] ) DAYS360( %s, ? )
Text DBCS Returns a copy of text in which the single-byte characters (if any) have been converted to double-byte characters DBCS( SourceField ) DBCS( %s )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUP Looks up and substitutes one field for another.  Useful to substitute full values for codes or vice versa.  The second parameter specifies the name of the database connection to use. DBLOOKUP( TextSourceField, "connection", "table", "lookup_field", "substitution_field" ) DBLOOKUP( %s, "", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUP2 Similar to the DBLOOKUP function, except that it accepts two lookup values and fields. DBLOOKUP2( SourceValue1, SourceValue2, "connection", "table", "lookup_field1", "lookup_field2", "substitution_field" ) DBLOOKUP2( %s, , "", "", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUP2NOCACHE Similar to the DBLOOKUPNOCACHE function, except that it accepts two lookup values and fields. DBLOOKUP2NOCACHE( SourceValue1, SourceValue2, "connection", "table", "lookup_field1", "lookup_field2", "substitution_field" ) DBLOOKUP2NOCACHE( %s, , "", "", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUPCACHED Similar to DBLOOKUP except that the values are cached. The data is read once (on the first row) and not refreshed (for subsequent rows) . This can improve performance for queries whose data doesn't change. DBLOOKUPCached( TextSourceField, "connection", "table", "lookup_field", "substitution_field" ) DBLOOKUPCached( %s, "", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUPDEFAULT Similar to DBLOOKUP function, except that it accepts an additional default_value that is returned if no matching record is found. DBLOOKUPDEFAULT( TextSourceField, "connection", "table", "lookup_field", "substitution_field", "default_value" ) DBLOOKUPDEFAULT( %s, "", "", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUPDEFAULT2 Similar to the DBLOOKUPDEFAULT function, except that it accepts two lookup values and fields. DBLOOKUPDEFAULT2( SourceValue1, SourceValue2, "connection", "table", "lookup_field1", "lookup_field2", "substitution_field", "default_value" ) DBLOOKUPDEFAULT2( %s, , "", "", "", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUPLIST Similar to the DBLOOKUP function, except that it returns all matching values as a comma delimited string. This function works only with databases or adapters that support SQL queries. DBLOOKUPLIST( SourceValue, "connection", "table", "lookup_field", "substitution_field" ) DBLOOKUPLIST( %s, "", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUPLIST2 Similar to the DBLOOKUPLIST function, except that it accepts two lookup values and fields. This function works only with databases or adapters that support SQL queries. DBLOOKUPLIST2( SourceValue1, SourceValue2, "connection", "table", "lookup_field1", "lookup_field2", "substitution_field" ) DBLOOKUPLIST2( %s, , "", "", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference DBLOOKUPNOCACHE Similar to DBLOOKUP except that the values are never cached. The data is read on the execution of each step, even if the input parameters have not changed. This function should only be used if the value to be looked up may change during execution. DBLOOKUPNOCACHE( TextSourceField, "connection", "table", "lookup_field", "substitution_field" ) DBLOOKUPNOCACHE( %s, "", "", "", "" )
System Functions DBNAME Given a database connection name returns the database name. DBNAME( "connection" ) %s DBNAME( "" )
Math DEC2HEX Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal DEC2HEX( SourceField ) DEC2HEX( %s )
Math DEC2OCT Converts a decimal number to octal DEC2OCT( SourceField ) DEC2OCT( %s )
Text DOLLAR Returns the specified number as text, using currency format and the supplied precision. (A value representing the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point. Omitting this argument assumes two decimal places). DOLLAR( number [, precision] ) DOLLAR( %s )
Date & Time EDATE Returns the date that is the indicated number of months before or after a specified date (the start_date) EDATE( StartDate, Months ) EDATE( %s,  )
Step Control ENDJOBFAILED Returns #ENDJOBFAILED! which causes the job to stop with a fatal error. ENDJOBFAILED( ) NULL
Step Control ENDJOBFAILEDMSG Returns #ENDJOBFAILEDMSG!( error message ) which causes the job to stop with a fatal error. The supplied error message is then set in the ExecutionLog error message. The message may contain up to 255 characters. ENDJOBFAILEDMSG( "error message" ) ENDJOBFAILEDMSG( "" )
Step Control ENDJOBRETRY Returns #ENDJOBRETRY! which causes the job to stop with a retry result. ENDJOBRETRY( ) NULL
Step Control ENDJOBRETRYMSG Returns #ENDJOBRETRYMSG!( error message ) which causes the job to stop with a retry result. The supplied error message is then set in the ExecutionLog error message. The message may contain up to 255 characters. ENDJOBRETRYMSG( "error message" ) ENDJOBRETRYMSG( "" )
Step Control ENDJOBSUCCESSCOMMIT Returns #ENDJOBSUCCESSCOMMIT! causing the job to stop with a successful result. The function causes previous steps to be committed if transactions are enabled. See also ENDJOBSUCCESSROLLBACK. ENDJOBSUCCESSCOMMIT( ) NULL
Step Control ENDJOBSUCCESSROLLBACK Returns #ENDJOBSUCCESS! causing the job to stop with a successful result. The function causes previous steps to rollback (if not yet committed) if transactions are enabled. See also ENDJOBSUCCESSCOMMIT. ENDJOBSUCCESSROLLBACK( ) NULL
Date & Time EOMONTH Returns the date for the last day of the month that is the indicated number of months before or after start_date EOMONTH( StartDate, Months) EOMONTH( %s,  )
Information ERROR.TYPE Returns a number corresponding to an error ERROR.TYPE( SourceField ) ERROR.TYPE( %s )
Text EXACT Compares two expressions for identical, case-sensitive matches. True is returned if the expressions are identical; False is returned if they are not. EXACT( SourceField | "expression1", SourceField | "expression2" ) EXACT( %s, "" )
Step Control FAILROW Returns #FAILROW! which causes the current source row to fail with an error. FAILROW( ) NULL
Step Control FAILROWMSG Returns #FAILROWMSG!( error message ) which causes the current source row to fail with an error. The supplied error message is then set in the TransactionErrors log. The message may contain up to 255 characters. FAILROWMSG( "error message" ) FAILROWMSG( "" )
Logical FALSE Returns the logical value False. This function always requires the trailing parentheses. FALSE( ) NULL
Lookup & Reference FILELOOKUP Looks up and substitutes one field for another.  Useful to substitute full values for codes or vice versa.  The SECTION parameter indicates the section name (in square brackets) within FILENAME where the TEXT key can be found. FILELOOKUP( TextSourceField, "filename", "section" ) FILELOOKUP( %s, "", "" )
Text FIND Searches for a string of text within another text string and returns the character position at which the search string first occurs. FIND( "search_text", SourceField [, start_position] ) FIND( "", %s )
Lookup & Reference FIRSTNAMEMATCH Returns a list of first names that are a likely match for the given name.  Use with the IN operator for lookup links.  Uses the FIRSTNAMES table in the Internal database. FIRSTNAMEMATCH( TextSourceField ) FIRSTNAMEMATCH( %s )
Text FIXED Rounds a number to the supplied precision, formats the number in decimal format, and returns the result as text. FIXED( number [, precision] [, no_commas] ) FIXED( %s )
Lookup & Reference FKEYSUBST Looks up and substitutes one foreign key value for another.  Required when transferring data between two databases that use different fields as foreign keys. FKEYSUBST( TextSourceField, "connection", "table", "lookup_field", "substitution_field" ) FKEYSUBST( %s, "", "", "", "" )
Math FLOOR Rounds a number down to the nearest multiple of a specified significance. FLOOR( NumericSourceField, significance ) FLOOR( %s, 2 )
Text FORMAT Returns a string formatted according to instructions contained in a format expression FORMAT( SourceField, Format ) FORMAT( %s, "#" )
System Functions GETLASTRUNDATE Returns the most recent date and time (local) that the specified DTS was executed. GETLASTRUNDATE( dtsFilename ) %s GETLASTRUNDATE( "" )
System Functions GETLASTRUNDATEUTC Returns the most recent date and time (in UTC/GMT) that the specified DTS was executed. GETLASTRUNDATEUTC( dtsFilename ) %s GETLASTRUNDATEUTC( "" )
System Functions GETNAMEDVALUE Retrieves a value previously stored by SETNAMEDVALUE or SETNAMEDVALUEIF. GETNAMEDVALUE( Name ) GETNAMEDVALUE( "name" )
System Functions GETROWERROR Returns any error information that occurred while processing a row. GETROWERROR() GETROWERROR()
Step Control GOTOSTEP Returns #GOTOn! which causes a jump to the specified step number (without executing the current step). GOTOSTEP( StepNumber ) %s GOTOSTEP( 2 )
System Functions GUID Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) in a 36-character string GUID( ) NULL
Math HEX2DEC Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal HEX2DEC( SourceField ) HEX2DEC( %s )
Math HEX2OCT Converts a hexadecimal number to octal HEX2OCT( SourceField ) HEX2OCT( %s )
Date & Time HOUR Returns the hour component of the specified time in 24-hour format. HOUR( serial_number ) HOUR( %s )
Text HTML2TEXT Returns the text that is contained within HTML. HTML2TEXT( HTML ) HTML2TEXT( %s )
Logical IF Tests the condition and returns the specified value. IF( condition, "true_value", "false_value" ) IF( %s, "", "" )
Math INT Rounds the supplied number down to the nearest integer. INT( NumericSourceField ) INT( %s )
Information ISBLANK Determines if the specified cell is blank. ISBLANK( SourceField ) ISBLANK( %s )
Information ISDATE Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date ISDATE( SourceField ) ISDATE( %s )
Information ISEMAILADDRESS Determines if the specified expression is a valid email address ISEMAILADDRESS( expression ) ISEMAILADDRESS( %s )
Information ISEMPTY Returns TRUE if the value is zero length or all spaces ISEMPTY( SourceField ) ISEMPTY( %s )
Information ISERROR Determines if the specified expression returns an error value. ISERROR( expression ) ISERROR( %s )
Information ISLOGICAL Determines if the specified expression returns a logical value. ISLOGICAL( expression ) ISLOGICAL( %s )
Information ISNA Determines if the specified expression returns the value not available error. ISNA( expression ) ISNA( %s )
Information ISNONTEXT Determines if the specified expression is not text. ISNONTEXT( expression ) ISNONTEXT( %s )
Information ISNUMBER Determines if the specified expression is a number. ISNUMBER( expression ) ISNUMBER( %s )
Lookup & Reference ISPICKLISTVALUE Determines if a value is valid for a specified picklist field. The picklist field is indicated by specifying the database connection name, table name, and field name. The parent value is only used if the picklist field has a parent. ISPICKLISTVALUE(SourceValue, "connection", "table", "picklist_field", ParentValue ) ISPICKLISTVALUE(%s, "", "", "", "")
Information ISTEXT Determines if the specified expression is text. ISTEXT( expression ) ISTEXT( %s )
Date & Time JULIANDATE2DATETIME Returns the Gregorian/common datetime for the supplied Julian datetime. JULIANDATE2DATETIME(julian_date) JULIANDATE2DATETIME( %s )
Date & Time JULIANDATEJDE2DATE Returns the Gregorian/common date for the supplied JD Edwards-formatted Julian date. JULIANDATEJDE2DATE(julian_date_jde) JULIANDATEJDE2DATE( %s )
Parse LEFT Returns the leftmost characters from the specified text string. LEFT( SourceField [, num_chars] ) LEFT( %s )
Text LEN Returns the number of characters in the supplied text string. LEN( SourceField ) LEN( %s )
Date & Time LOCAL2UTC Converts the specified DateTime from the local timezone to UTC time, using the current windows Date & Time settings. LOCAL2UTC( DateTime ) LOCAL2UTC( %s )
Text LOWER Changes the characters in the specified string to lowercase characters. Numeric characters in the string are not changed LOWER( SourceField ) LOWER( %s )
Statistical MAX Returns the largest value in the specified list of numbers. MAX( number_list ) MAX( %s )
Parse MID Returns the specified number of characters from a text string, beginning with the specified starting position. MID( SourceField, start_position, num_chars ) MID( %s, ,  )
Statistical MIN Returns the smallest value in the specified list of numbers. MIN( number_list ) MIN( %s )
Date & Time MINUTE Returns the minute that corresponds to the supplied date. MINUTE( serial_number ) MINUTE( %s )
Math MOD Returns the remainder after dividing a number by a specified divisor. MOD( NumericSourceField, divisor ) MOD( %s,  )
Date & Time MONTH Returns the month that corresponds to the supplied date. MONTH( serial_number ) MONTH( %s )
Date & Time MONTHNAME Returns a string indicating the specified month MONTHNAME( Month, Abbreviate ) MONTHNAME( %s, 0 )
Information N Tests the supplied value and returns the value if it is a number. N( SourceField ) N( %s )
Information NA Returns the error value #N/A, which represents "not available" NA( ) NULL
System Functions NEXTITEMNUMBER Returns the next sequential number if the supplied string value does not change, otherwise resets to 1 NEXTITEMNUMBER( SourceField ) NEXTITEMNUMBER( %s )
Step Control NEXTROW Returns #NEXTROW! which causes execution to continue, without error, on the next source row. NEXTROW( ) NULL
System Functions NEXTTRANSNUMBER Returns the next sequential number every time the supplied string value changes NEXTTRANSNUMBER( SourceField ) NEXTTRANSNUMBER( %s )
System Functions NEXTTRANSNUMBERN Returns the next sequential number every time the supplied string value changes - can handle more than one value at a time NEXTTRANSNUMBERN( Index, SourceField ) NEXTTRANSNUMBERN( 1, %s )
Logical NOT Returns a logical value that is the opposite of its value. NOT( logical ) NOT( %s )
Date & Time NOW Returns the current date and time as a serial number. NOW( ) NULL
Math OCT2DEC Converts an octal number to decimal OCT2DEC( SourceField ) OCT2DEC( %s )
Math OCT2HEX Converts an octal number to hexadecimal OCT2HEX( SourceField ) OCT2HEX( %s )
Logical OR Returns True if at least one of a series of logical arguments is true. OR( logical_list ) OR( %s )
System Functions OSPATHTOUNC Returns the UNC version of the given path if available or the given path unchanged if not OSPATHTOUNC( path ) OSPATHTOUNC( %s )
Text PAD Returns a string padded on the left or right with spaces PAD( SourceField, "L" | "R", Width ) PAD( %s, "L", 1 )
Parse PARSE Parses any string into individual words or tokens. PARSE( TextSourceField, token_number, "delimiters" ) PARSE( %s, 1, "," )
Parse PARSEADDR Decomposes an address line into the individual components: city, state, and zip code. PARSEADDR( TextSourceField, "C" | "S" | "Z" ) PARSEADDR( %s, "S" )
Parse PARSENAME Decomposes a person’s name into the individual components: prefix, first, middle, last, suffix, or professional degrees. PARSENAME( TextSourceField, "P" | "F" | "M" | "L" | "S" | "D" ) PARSENAME( %s, "F" )
Math PRODUCT Multiplies a list of numbers and returns the result. PRODUCT( number_list ) PRODUCT( %s )
Text PROPER Returns the specified string in proper-case format. PROPER( SourceField ) PROPER( %s )
Math RAND Returns a number selected randomly from a uniform distribution greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. RAND( ) NULL
Regex REGEXMATCH Returns whether or not the regex found a match. REGEXMATCH( input, pattern ) REGEXMATCH( %s, "" )
Regex REGEXREPLACE Returns a new string that is identical to the input string, except that a replacement string takes the place of each matched string. REGEXREPLACE( input, pattern, replacement ) REGEXREPLACE( %s, "", "" )
Text REPLACE Replaces part of a text string with another text string. REPLACE( TextSourceField, start_position, num_chars, "repl_text" ) REPLACE( %s, , ,  )
Text REPT Repeats a text string the specified number of times. REPT( SourceField, number ) REPT( %s,  )
Parse RIGHT Returns the rightmost characters from a given string RIGHT( SourceField [, num_chars] ) RIGHT( %s )
Math ROUND Rounds the given number to the supplied number of decimal places. ROUND( NumericSourceField, precision ) ROUND( %s, 2 )
Math ROUNDDOWN Rounds a number down. ROUNDDOWN( NumericSourceField, numberOfDigits ) ROUNDDOWN( %s, 2 )
Math ROUNDUP Rounds the given number up to the supplied number of decimal places. ROUNDUP( NumericSourceField, numberOfDigits ) ROUNDUP( %s, 2 )
System Functions ROWNUM Returns the row number from the source. ROWNUM( ) NULL
Text SEARCH Locates the position of the first character of a specified text string within another text string. SEARCH( "search_text", SourceField [, start_position] ) SEARCH( , %s )
Date & Time SECOND Returns the second that corresponds to the supplied date. SECOND( serial_number ) SECOND( %s )
Logical SELECTCASE Returns the value from the case string that is associated with the expression value, or a default value if the expression value is not found. Supported operators: =, <, >, <=, >=, Else. The default return value is #NULL! if Else is not provided. SELECTCASE( expression, "=X~1 | >Y~2 | <=Z~3 | Else~0" ) SELECTCASE( %s, "" )
System Functions SEQNUM Returns the next sequential number. The first number returned is the initial value that is passed into this function. After that the count is incremented by one and returned. SEQNUM( initial_value_number ) %s SEQNUM( 1 )
System Functions SEQNUMN Like SEQNUM, returns the next sequential number, but also provides a 1 based index so that multiple numbers from the sequence may be used on each source row. SEQNUMN( initial_value, index ) %s SEQNUMN( 1 , 1 )
System Functions SETNAMEDVALUE Stores a value by name. The value will persist across source rows and can be retrieved using GETNAMEDVALUE. When invoked, SETNAMEDVALUE also returns the Value just set. SETNAMEDVALUE( Name, Value ) SETNAMEDVALUE( "name", %s )
System Functions SETNAMEDVALUEIF Similar to the SETNAMEDVALUE function, but this function only saves the value if the passed in condition is true. SETNAMEDVALUEIF( Name, Condition, Value ) SETNAMEDVALUEIF( "name", TRUE, %s )
Math SIGN Determines the sign of the specified number. SIGN( NumericSourceField ) SIGN( %s )
Information SIZE Returns the size of the specified field SIZE( "connection", "table", "field" ) %s SIZE( "", "", "" )
Step Control SKIPSTEP Returns #SKIPSTEP! which causes the current step to be skipped. SKIPSTEP( ) NULL
Text SOUNDEX Returns a code or number that represents the sound of a word.  Use to populate a field that can be used to match on later. SOUNDEX( TextSourceField, "connection" ) SOUNDEX( %s, "" )
Parse SPLITFILENAME Returns the requested part of the given filename - [P]ath, [N]ame or [E]xtension SPLITFILENAME( "P" | "N" | "E", Filename ) SPLITFILENAME("N", %s )
Lookup & Reference SQLQUERY Executes a SQL query and returns the values in the first column of the first row. Could be used as a select count.  A WHERE clause may use %s to reference the Source Field value. i.e. Select .....Where name = ' %s' SQLQUERY( TextSourceField, "connection", "sqlStatement" ) SQLQUERY( %s, "", "select " )
Lookup & Reference SQLQUERY2 Similar to the SQLQUERY function, except that two values may be passed in.  The first value replaces any %1, and the second value replaces any %2. SQLQUERY2( SourceValue1, SourceValue2, "connection", "sqlStatement" ) SQLQUERY2( %s, , "", "select " )
Lookup & Reference SQLQUERYDEFAULT Similar to SQLQUERY function, except that it accepts an additional default_value that is returned if no matching record is found. SQLQUERYDEFAULT( TextSourceField, "connection", "sqlStatement", "default_value" ) SQLQUERYDEFAULT( %s, "", "select ", "" )
Lookup & Reference SQLQUERYDEFAULT2 Similar to the SQLQUERYDEFAULT function, except that two values may be passed in.  The first value replaces any %1, and the second value replaces any %2. SQLQUERYDEFAULT2( SourceValue1, SourceValue2, "connection", "sqlStatement", "default_value" ) SQLQUERYDEFAULT2( %s, , "", "select ", "" )
Parse STRIP Returns only the requested type of characters from a non-Unicode text string: alpha, numeric, punctuation, whitespace, other/unknown STRIP( SourceField, "A" | "N" | "P" | "W" | "O" ) STRIP( %s, "N" )
Parse STRIPCOMPANY Removes all punctuation, any trailing words in the following list: Inc, Incorporated, Corp, Corporation, Co, Company, Ltd, etc. STRIPCOMPANY( TextSourceField ) STRIPCOMPANY( %s )
Parse STRIPCOMPANYSUFFIX Removes all trailing punctuation and words in the following list: Inc, Incorporated, Corp, Corporation, Co, Company, Ltd, etc. STRIPCOMPANYSUFFIX( TextSourceField ) STRIPCOMPANYSUFFIX( %s )
Parse STRIPEX Returns only the requested type of characters from a Unicode text string: alpha, numeric, punctuation, whitespace, other/unknown STRIPEX( SourceField, "A" | "N" | "P" | "W" | "O" ) STRIPEX( %s, "N" )
Text SUBSTITUTE Replaces a specified part of a text string with another text string. SUBSTITUTE( SourceField, "old_text", "new_text" [, instance] ) SUBSTITUTE( %s, ,  )
Math SUM Returns the sum of the supplied numbers. SUM( NumericSourceField ) SUM( %s )
Math SUMROWS Sums a set of values across multiple source rows. Uses a variable/label name to allow multiple values to be summed at the same time. Set Reset to TRUE to reset sum to 0.  Returns the current sum. SUMROWS ( Name, Value, Reset ) SUMROWS ( "name", %s, FALSE )
Text T Tests the supplied value and returns the value if it is text. T( SourceField ) T( %s )
Text TEXT Returns the given number as text, using the specified formatting. TEXT( NumericSourceField, "formatString" ) TEXT( %s,  )
Date & Time TIME Returns a serial number for the supplied time. TIME( hour, minute, second ) TIME( %s )
Date & Time TIMEVALUE Returns a serial number for the supplied text representation of time. TIMEVALUE( SourceField ) TIMEVALUE( %s )
Date & Time TODAY Returns the current date as a serial number. TODAY( ) NULL
Text TRIM Removes all spaces from text except single spaces between words. TRIM( TextSourceField ) TRIM( %s )
Text TRIMX Removes leading and trailing space, line, paragraph separators and tab characters. TRIMX() TRIMX()
Logical TRUE Returns the logical value True. This function always requires the trailing parentheses. TRUE( ) NULL
Math TRUNC Truncates the given number to an integer. TRUNC( NumericSourceField [, precision] ) TRUNC( %s, 2 )
Information TYPE Returns the argument type of the given expression. TYPE ( expression ) TYPE ( %s )
Text UPPER Changes the characters in the specified string to uppercase characters. UPPER( TextSourceField ) UPPER( %s )
System Functions USERNAME Given a database connection name returns the user name. USERNAME( "connection" ) %s USERNAME( "" )
Date & Time UTC2LOCAL Converts the specified DateTime from UTC time to local time, using the current windows Date & Time settings. UTC2LOCAL( DateTime ) UTC2LOCAL( %s )
Text VALUE Returns the specified text as a number. VALUE( TextSourceField ) VALUE( %s )
Lookup & Reference VALUEMAPLOOKUPA Looks up and substitutes one value for another.  The MapLabel parameter controls which group of values to use from the VALUEMAP table in the Scribe Internal database.  Looks up the value in APP_B_VALUE and returns APP_A_VALUE. VALUEMAPLOOKUPA( "MapLabel", SourceValue, "DefaultValue" ) VALUEMAPLOOKUPA( "", %s, "#NULL!" )
Lookup & Reference VALUEMAPLOOKUPB Looks up and substitutes one value for another.  The MapLabel parameter controls which group of values to use from the VALUEMAP table in the Scribe Internal database.  Looks up the value in APP_A_VALUE and returns APP_B_VALUE. VALUEMAPLOOKUPB( "MapLabel", SourceValue, "DefaultValue" ) VALUEMAPLOOKUPB( "", %s, "#NULL!" )
Date & Time WEEKDAY Returns the day of the week that corresponds to the supplied date. WEEKDAY( serial_number ) WEEKDAY( %s )
Date & Time WEEKDAYNAME Returns a string indicating the specified day of the week. WEEKDAYNAME( Weekday, Abbreviate, FirstDay ) WEEKDAYNAME( %s, 0, 0 )
Lookup & Reference XLSLOOKUP Searches the first column of xlsFile for a value and returns the contents of a cell in that table that corresponds to the location of the search value. XLSLOOKUP( xlsFile, search_value, search_range, search_col ) XLSLOOKUP( "", %s, "", "" )
Lookup & Reference XMLLOOKUP Returns the value referenced by XPath from the XML file listed in Filename XMLLOOKUP( Filename, XPath ) XMLLOOKUP( "", %s )
Lookup & Reference XMLXPATH Returns the value referenced by XPath from the XML source connection; the behavior is undefined if a source connection is not used. XMLXPATH( XPath, "connection" ) XMLXPATH( %s, "" )
Lookup & Reference XMLXREF Returns the value referenced by Node and LookupValue from a specially defined cross reference document XMLXREF( Filename, Node, LookupValue ) XMLXREF( "", "", %s )
Lookup & Reference XREFLOOKUP Returns the value for the Target Key related to the supplied Source Key in a key cross reference table. Returns an error if multiple matches are found. XREFLOOKUP( SourceKeyValue, "source/target connection", "table", "SourceKeyField", "TargetKeyField" ) XREFLOOKUP( %s,"", "", "", "" )
Lookup & Reference XREFLOOKUPINTERNAL Similar to the XREFLOOKUP function, but designed for use only with the KEYCROSSREFERENCE table in the Scribe Internal database. Returns an error if multiple matches are found. XREFLOOKUPINTERNAL( LabelValue, SourceKeyValue ) XREFLOOKUPINTERNAL( "Label", %s )
Lookup & Reference XREFLOOKUPLOCK_AKEY Similar to the XREFLOOKUP function, but designed for use only with the KEYCROSSREFERENCETWOWAY table in the Scribe Internal database. Locks the xref record to prevent duplicate keys. Returns the "App A Key" matching the supplied "App B Key". XREFLOOKUPLOCK_AKEY( LabelValue, AppBKeyValue ) XREFLOOKUPLock_AKEY( "Label", %s )
Lookup & Reference XREFLOOKUPLOCK_BKEY Similar to the XREFLOOKUP function, but designed for use only with the KEYCROSSREFERENCETWOWAY table in the Scribe Internal database. Locks the xref record to prevent duplicate keys. Returns the "App B Key" matching the supplied "App A Key". XREFLOOKUPLOCK_BKEY( LabelValue, AppAKeyValue ) XREFLOOKUPLock_BKEY( "Label", %s )
Lookup & Reference XREFLOOKUPNOLOCK_AKEY Identical to the XREFLOOKUPLOCK_AKEY function, without locking the xref record so that multiple messages will not conflict with each other when using message queues. Returns the "App A Key" matching the supplied "App B Key". XREFLOOKUPNOLOCK_AKEY( LabelValue, AppBKeyValue ) XREFLOOKUPNOLOCK_AKEY( "Label", %s )
Lookup & Reference XREFLOOKUPNOLOCK_BKEY Identical to the XREFLOOKUPLOCK_BKEY function, without locking the xref record so that multiple messages will not conflict with each other when using message queues. Returns the "App B Key" matching the supplied "App A Key". XREFLOOKUPNOLOCK_BKEY( LabelValue, AppAKeyValue ) XREFLOOKUPNOLOCK_BKEY( "Label", %s )
Date & Time YEAR Returns the year that corresponds to the supplied date. YEAR( serial_number ) YEAR( %s )